Why Your Fish Keep Dying...

Here’s what you’re missing.

Hey ,

🤔 Let’s get real. Guppies die fast if you ignore three things: water quality, overcrowding, and bad tank mates. I’ve seen it a thousand times. You buy pretty fish, toss them in a tank, and boom – they’re belly-up in a week. Here’s how to stop the cycle.


Guppies can recognize your face. They’ll swim to the glass for you but ignore strangers.

  • Science Says: It’s all about food association. Keep treats handy!

Guppy Care 101: The Non-Negotiables

1. Water Quality: The Silent Killer

  • Problem: Tap water has chlorine. It burns their gills.

  • Fix: Use a $5 dechlorinator. Test water weekly with strips (ammonia = 0ppm, nitrites = 0ppm, nitrates < 20ppm).

    Pro Tip: Guppies thrive at 22-28°C (72°F - 82°F).
    Cold water = weak immune system.

2. Tank Size: Bigger Isn’t Just Better, It’s Cheaper

  • Myth: “Guppies are small, so a tiny tank works.”

  • Truth: A 20-litre (5 gallon) tank is the bare minimum for 3 guppies. Overcrowding = stress = disease.

    Example: My friend Dave used a fishbowl. His guppies lasted 2 weeks. Don’t be Dave.

3. Feeding: Stop Overfeeding. Seriously.

  • Mistake: Flakes rot, spike ammonia, kill fish.

  • Fix: Feed a pinch of food twice a day. They finish in 60 seconds or you’re overdoing it.

    Bonus: Fast them one day a week.
    Clears their gut.

🐟 The Guppy Tank Mate Mini Guide

Best Friends 🤝

Frenemies 😠

Never Ever 💀

Neon Tetras

Betta Fish

Aggressive Cichlids

Cherry Shrimp


Tiger Barbs

Snails (cleanup pros!)


Red-Tailed Sharks

Pro Tip: Guppies love friends but hate bullies. Stick to peaceful, small fish!

🔍 Guppy Behavior Hacks You Need to Know

The “Fake Plants” Trick: Guppies use plants to dodge predators. No plants? They’ll stress out! Add java moss or floating ferns ASAP.

Color = Mood Ring: Bright colors mean they’re happy. Dull? Something’s wrong (check water quality!).

Baby Boom Strategy: Guppies breed faster when stressed—it’s their survival tactic. Keep them calm to avoid a fry overload!


Want to skip the rookie mistakes 90% of guppy owners make?
(Spoiler: Your tank setup is probably wrong.)

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P.S. Forward this to a friend who thinks guppies are “just boring fish.” 😉
This is just the beginning.